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C-5 TV Program – Visual Identity

"The World Waits for Discovery" Opener 4
C-5-4    Телеканал ПЛЮСПЛЮС

PLUSPLUS - animated entertaining and educational channel for families with children of preschool and school age. PLUSPLUS offers in-house products, the best hits of international animation and also edutainment programs. “The World Waits for Discovery” is an educational and developing project of PLUSLPLUS channel. Our programs inspire kids to the world creatively, reveal their talents, and encourage them to be curious and observant. The project screensaver has a large number of elements. The letters of the project name are animated. Each of them characterizes different fields of science and art. The basis of the design is a shape animation, in addition, morphing of objects is used. Their use is rather symbolic, it shows that everything in the world is changing, has a relationship and a mutual transformation. The main characters Trykutya, Kvadryk and Kruzhko are moving from one letter to another, just like the kids who are interested in absolutely everything.