
Переможці 2016

Best of

B-1 Websites design

Fake Excuse Generation
B-1-4    Vintage

IDEA The CIS contractors never want to look guilty, when they are failing. Its way easier to blame somebody or something else than taking the blame. We managed to ease their lives, creating a website ( www.copout.me) generating excuses for clients. GOAL Our goal is to attract new clients through the website full of excuses! Those who have gotten tired of the same old cop-outs for poor quality services. The ones who are willing to pay more for efficient projects, with no excuses. RESULTS The results we achieved with “Copout.Me” service in one day after the launch, and 1 organic post on Facebook . -8,000 shares -coverage on the leading online media -98,000 visitors -34 requests from new clients, who would like to get a project with no cop-outs from us.