

The Very Best of

C-I-5 TV Program – Visual Identity

Graphic design of the program “CRIMINAL UKRAINE”
C-I-5-5   International Commercial Television & Radio Company "ICTV"

“Criminal Ukraine” is a re-investigation of the most famous crimes of the past. We are the first to reveal facts that were hidden from general public of our country: maniacs, shocking murders, astute financial schemes, brazen robbery. At the heart of the design of the program - details that dip the viewer into the atmosphere of the investigation, identification of criminal, search of alleged criminals and motives for crime. Document archives, composite pictures, weapons, fingerprinting... At the end all the elements come together to form the map of Ukraine. This method emphasizes that all the events of the program took place in the territory of our country. Acid etching, chemical reactions and blurring were used... Graphic elements (jingles, titles) appear in front of the audience as the results of investigation, the vicissitudes of which are unfolded on the screen. Macro photography of the details creates a sense of involvement of a viewer into investigation.