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A-1 Corporate & Brand Identity

Polytech Print Center Identity
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As it is known, there are no former students, especially when it comes to KPI-students. Let us introduce our client - the main printing center of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky" (KPI) - Polytech. Students use a lot of paper - thesises, dissertations, cheat sheets, notes, graphics, drawings, essays, diploma thesises, etc… Well, we guess you get it... A looot of paper! Student life and functioning of printing centers are both impossible without paper, and for that reason we have chosen it as the basis of the concept. And the clip, which traditionally holds paper sheets together, was transformed into a logo. KPI is 120 hectares of area (which is a small town for its students), 35 academic buildings (many of the students are not aware of around half of them existing), 30 000 students from 30 faculties and institutes (who remain loyal to their VPI, FEL, IPE even after graduation...). So in our brand advertising campaign we decided to focus on the devotion to the faculties and created the alternative meanings of their abbreviations using student’s slang. Thus, the Institute of Postgraduate Education - IPE - has turned into "Oh, my God! I Slept Through the Exam!". To complete the picture, we’ve transformed coloured paper sheets into origami, that relates to the specialisation - a masters cap in case of IPE. As a result: 30 decodings, 30 posters, 30 origami and 30 000 students, each of whom got the feeling that this poster was about him.