

The Very Best of

B-1 Web-sites design

B-1-27   Vintage

The task of the client: The company entered the market in Europe and the CIS, so the site must: - To present the company as modern and European, - To tell a potential client capabilities, - Show that the company uses a high standard of quality and creative than competitors. The solution We decided to do a comprehensive approach for this site, that’s why we are not limited only good design. So what we did: - We chose to create a site with the technology HTML5, decided to create a trendy single-page site. - Use animation, what would the client was interesting seeing your entire site and be different from competitors' sites. - Minimize the amount of text inforamtion, have left the most important information, which allows to understand what makes the company, how company does it and what are the advantages of working with the company. - Decided to give up of the product’s catalog and make a portfolio. Ambient Pictures made ​​for the 30 best works, this show maximum capacity and experience of the company. - Made an adaptive design that the site would be convenient to view both the tabs and on the big screens. The result Created a modern and trendy site. This site has won many competitions: http://www.awwwards.com/ - won Honorable Mentions http://www.csswinner.com/ - site of the day http://www.cssawards.net/ - gallery winner http://cssdesignawards.com/ - nominees http://cssreel.com/ - site of the day After that, the site began to publish many web site as an example for inspiration. In April was made for more than 70 publications in the world about this site. This provided a site regular attendance of over 500 people per day, 70% of the visitors are not from CIS. So by the viral effect of promoting the company was seen by a lot of designers, and from them it found customers of the company. At this moment, a month after the launch of the site, the company have many orders from Europe.