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B-1 Web-sites design

Headache-off — Online endorphin source
B-1-10   ISD Group

Problem: Your head is overcrowded with problems that bother you. Your serious attitude towards them is the main cause of the headache. Idea: The headache pills Nurofen presents an online source of endorphin for untying the juicy knots of problems inside your head. Solution: We encourage users to eliminate problems causing headache and convert the suppressing concerns into brainy solutions. Users explore the wide range of reasons in search of the answers to the one simple question — What is your headache about? Having chosen a relevant problem, the user can change his attitude towards it by taking a look from a different standpoint. Results: Campaign is still in progress. So take an invigorating look at your daily routine. The soothing effect is just like from a good shot of endorphin. Enjoy!