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B-1 Digital Platforms & Websites design

B-1-41   ISD Group

PLEASE OPEN THE URL ON MOBILE <3 REVO — an alcoholic energy drink — is well-known among extreme partygoers. Although people still party like thirty years ago in a globally technological world. The aim was to communicate the progressive spirit of the brand, revealing the controversial insight of time: technologically-savvy people vs. old ways of hanging out, multiplied by harsh pandemics conditions. REVO kAIf is the first-ever AI, created to hang out hard during COVID-19 pandemics, taught by partygoers. People access REVO kAIf through the website, and get unique party ideas they could never think of before in lockdown context. The website interface reveals the personality of AI: uncontrolled extreme energy with technology in the core. The frame imitates the cockpit with a virtual assistant. The conversation with AI can be compared to Matrix: the neural network thinks, shifts between tokens, on some points, acts stupid. REVO kAIf is an intelligence influenced by mad content, so it behaves in an unintelligent way; sometimes pictograms, overlays, and unevenness break through conversation. On average people spend about 19 minutes in conversation with AI, and over 30% of visitors return to REVO kAIf again. PLEASE OPEN THE URL ON MOBILE <3