
Переможці 2015

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A-1 Corporate & Brand Identity

Studio Vombat style
A-1-31   Дмитро Хруневич

Creating wonderful bags, clothes and accessories it’s hard to believe that Vombat Studio’s team is only one person. The first studio products were knitted caps and handmade bags were later. Every Vombat’s stuff has unique design, because all products are handmade. Key principle that was used to create design for Studio Vombat was uniqueness. Each new product is not similar to the previous one. Following the same rule, basic materials that were used to create corporate identity were leather (every label has it’s own natural leather pattern), seal wax (stamp), Vombat cookies with similar but not identical pattern (as fingerprints). Main character — cute wombat. Yes, wombat. And there is no mistake in the name of studio. Vombat Studio based in Kyiv, Ukraine and was founded by Olena Vedula in 2014.