
Переможці 2014

Best of

C-I-6 Використання типографіки в телевізійному проекті

The instigator
C-I-6-1   International Commercial Television & Radio Company ICTV

Investigation program «Provokator» (The Instigator) Journalists investigate regular everyday things that might unexpectedly keep danger such as food, make up, household chemicals. Creators of the program investigate and dig into to confront facts and find truth. Creative goal was to make design package as resonant as the program itself, something that would be understood instinctively and would associate with liberation of your brain from harmful information. The program positions itself as a popular science TV-show, thus we used macro filming and wanted to draw an analogy with detailed research of an element under microscope in a lab. Human’s eye very often can’t see important things, therefore macro filming explains the essence of the program and it’s investigations. Creative solution for the sound design is also based on this concept, which is why we used macro sounds that transmit what our receptors don’t detect. Letters, which are parts of the program name, take part in the reactions of elements and reagents, and thus explaining the idea of deep research provided in the program.