
Переможці 2016

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B-1 Websites design

Kotex: 100 years of evolution
B-1-32    ISD Group

In Ukraine Kotex is seen as a “tampon” brand. Some girls don’t even know that Kotex pads exist. Meanwhile it has been manufacturing and improving its pads for 100 years already. 100 years of Kotex evolution - a journey through last ten decades, from first menstruation belt to nowadays pads with 5 layers of protection. Interactive promo site helps girls find out which decade they relate the most. Elegant design takes them from one question to another, engaging them in atmosphere of early decades of the last century. Each decade represents the type of character and specific confidence level. So in the end a girl will know what era is most relatable for her. Results: Website involvement x 5.6 times higher than average. 3 min spent on website 140 000 unique visitors during the first month.