
Переможці 2018

Best of

A-14 Student Design

Superhero School
A-14-6    Любов Ванжула

Superhero School — is a unique educational program in hospitals, for children from 5 to 18 years, who’ve been in a treatment for a very long time and don’t have the opportunity to study in a regular school. Children have 1 or 2 lessons per day in free time from medical procedures and tests. They don’t get homework and marks, but get special achieves as funny stickers or bracelets. Kids of all ages and knowledge levels study all together in the same class with the same teacher, by learning common week’s topic and doing personal exercises. The main goal of School is to attract interest in learning surrounding world, to teach kids dreaming and to motivate them for a speedy recovery. The semantic part of the firm style is based on three main elements: 1. Light ray — as a symbol of hope and enlightenment. 2. Geometric characters-giants — good defenders of children, are associated with giant superpower inside the child. 3. Totems — as super-power artifacts.