
Переможці 2021

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B-2 Interface & User Experience Design

Vintage 2021
B-2-13    Vintage

Vintage is changing A year ago, changes began that can no longer be stopped. These changes affected everyone. And we are no exception. In a year we have become more than a web production. We have our own branding agency SVZB, creative department. We are developed their first billboards and shot commercials. We are conducted dozens of strategic sessions on digital business transformation and began to systematically implement digital in the DNA of companies. This year has forced us to take on many challenges. But to prove that we continue to work enthusiastically and innovatively. The Landing Page about Vintage projects for 2020 is an example of the fact that despite external changes in the world, we helped businesses completely switch to digital, thereby proving to ourselves that transformations and changes are a way to improve themselves